When do I pay the brokerage fee?
On the day of signing the contract, the buyer will pay the 2% plus VAT, brokerage fee to the company.
When shall I sign the Sale and Purchase Agreement?
Within the time provided in the Private Agreement, the Sale and Purchase Agreement will be signed by the Bidder and the owner / seller of the property before a notary. Upon signing the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Buyer or Bidder will have to pay the Price in a lump sum. At the same time, the Participation Guarantee will be returned to the Buyer.
What happens in the case that I do not make the advance payment?
In the event that the Buyer and / or the Bidder does not pay the Advance Payment and / or does not show up for the signing of the Private Agreement, the Participation Guarantee will be forfeited in favor of the company and the company will be entitled to nominate as Bidder the next entity of the Ranking Table.
When and how much shall I pay for the advance payment for the property?
Upon signing the Agreement, the Buyer or the Bidder must pay the Transaction Advance for the purchase of the property (the amount of the Advance will be deducted from the total Price to be paid by the Bidder for the purchase and sale of the property).
When shall I sign the Private Agreement?
After the announcement of the Buyer (in case of Direct Purchase) or the Bidder (in case of Auction), the Private Agreement will be signed within a period of ten (10) working days. At the same time, the abovementioned persons will be required to submit within the same deadline – in the Greek language (or in an official translation) and in an original or exact copy – the certificates proving the above under 3.1.2 c-e., 3.2.1a, 3.2.1b or a single certificate of judicial solvency, if it has entered into force; or, in case the buyer is a foreign resident, the corresponding certificates issued in their country of origin, as well as any other documents specifically required for the purchase of real estate. In case the Buyer of the Direct Purchase Price or the Bidder acted on behalf of another, an original copy of the relevant authorization or power of attorney will be produced, and, in case of a joint venture or association, the relevant Statute, in which the holding percentages of each member are stated.
What is the procedure after my nomination as the highest bidder?
The Bidder will be invited by the Company to sign within ten (10) working days from their nomination, a private agreement with the owner (the Private Agreement), under which they will undertake the obligation to proceed with the purchase of the respective property, while paying a price equal to 10% of the Price (Transaction Advance), which is mentioned in the Private Agreement attached to the page of each property on the website www.kourtidis.action. http://www.kourtidis.auction.
After the nomination of the Buyer and / or Bidder and the signing of the Private Agreement, the owner of the respective property and the Buyer and / or Bidder will proceed to the conclusion of the purchase contract (Purchase Contract), in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions defined herein, but also with any relevant Special Terms concerning each property.
What is the procedure for the nomination of the highest bidder?
The Bidder will be nominated based on the highest amount offered (Price), in accordance with the procedure described below. The Bidder’s Offer is binding for ninety (90) days, which may be extended, if requested by the Company, for another thirty (30) days, upon a written notification (e-mail) of the Bidder, unless the latter disagrees in writing. In case of withdrawal of the Bidder within the effective term of the Offer, the Participation Guarantee is forfeited in favor of the company.
After the expiration of the time of submission of the Offers, the interested Buyer who participated and offered the highest Price for the purchase of each property (in accordance with the relevant Ranking Table) is nominated as Bidder for the respective property by decision of the Company (unless the Company decides otherwise, in accordance with what is stipulated in the paragraph below). The Bidder will be informed about their nomination by e-mail, while the other participants will be informed that the property was sold or the relevant information will be posted on the website; that “a bidder has been nominated”.
Is it possible to automatically extend the procedure?
The website will specify the Starting Price, the date and time of the Electronic Auction (start-end), as well as any other parameters of the electronic auction. In every auction there will be the Possibility of Automatic Extension of the Closing Time of the Tender. The extension will be of a predetermined short duration for a predetermined number of offers.
What is the Auction process?
After the acceptance of the request for participation, the interested party may participate, according to the specified time frame, in the procedure of successive electronic submissions by submitting a financial Offer and counter-offers (Online Auction, exclusively via the website, with the optionto monitor in real time the highest bid up to that moment and to counter -bid atahigher price., higher price.
Where can I find the Private Agreement that I will be asked to sign if I am the Highest Bidder?
The Information section contains the private agreement you will be asked to sign if you are the Highest Bidder.
When can I carry out the inspection of the property?
In any case prior to the Auction. In the Information section, the documents required as a minimum for the legal and technical inspection of the property by the interested Buyer (eg last title deed, site plan, floor plans, special terms, etc.) will be available.
It is pointed out that all Information, regarding each property, is only intended to inform interested buyers to submit their offers, is not exhaustive and does not bind the company in any way.
It is noted that all Information regarding each property aim only at informing the interested buyers for the submission of their offers; they are not exhaustive and do not bind in any way the company. No guarantee shall be given for the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the Information and the company is exempt from any liability regarding any inaccuracies, omissions or errors of the Information, which the interested parties must verify at their own responsibility and expense, carrying out their own inspections with their consultants.
Can I buy the property before the auction (Direct Purchase)?
Regarding the Direct Purchase of a property at the price previously set by Kourtidis Auctions Platform and the owner of the property, the interested Buyer should express their interest by clicking on the appropriate selection on the platform. The message “Sold” will then immediately appear on the screen.
Within ten (10) working days from the notification of the Buyer, the Buyer will be asked to sign the respective Private Agreement and pay the Transaction Advance, as defined below under 5.1.1 It is noted that the term 4.2.1 (Offer validity period) also applies in the case of ‘Direct Purchase’.
If the above conditions are fulfilled, the property will be withdrawn from the electronic auction and the indication “Sold” will appear next to the property.
How can I participate in an auction?
The Interested Buyer may submit a Participation Request or an Direct Purchase Request and must accept the Special Conditions. The Direct Purchase application must be submitted up to 2 weeks before the auction starts. The Application for either Purchase or Participation, in any case, will be accompanied by the Documents referred to in clause 3.2.. If the Application is accepted by the company, with a relevant e-mail notification of the interested party within a week, the interested party will be requested to pay a Participation Guarantee and will be included in the Bidder List.
A prerequisite for accepting the Application for Participation and inclusion in the Bidder List, or Direct Purchase of the Property is that the interested buyers meet the terms and criteria described below in term 3 of these General Terms.
The Participation Guarantee is provided via cash deposit to the Kourtidis Auctions Platform account. This Participation Guarantee will be returned to the bidders after the Highest Bidder has been selected. The Participation Guarantee is returned to the Highest Bidder upon signing the Purchase Agreement.
How can I find out about the property and its price?
Provided the registration to the website is complete, the interested Buyer will have access to the Special Terms and all available Information (hereinafter the “Information”) for each property, including the Starting Price and / or Direct Purchase Price, as well as the Participation Guarantee in the Procedure (amounting to 2.5%) on the minimum total Price for each property.
How can I visit a property?
It will be possible to visit each property (“site visit”), on a day or days and times, which will be determined after consultation between the interested buyer and KOURTIDIS GROUP S.A., at least one day before (with the consent of the respective owner).
Can I register through a real estate agency?
If this pertains to a broker, it must be declared that they are acting on behalf of a third-party client by checking the appropriate box.
How can I get information about the property?
The website will include photos with the properties for sale, a brief description with details about their location / area and the time frame of the sale process of each property.
How can I be sure that the registration is complete?
Registration is completed by providing the required information of the interested Buyer and selecting the Username and their Personal Password. Each interested party must accept the General Terms and Conditions. In a short period of time, an e-mail will be sent to the interested party, which will indicate the confirmation of registration, the Username and the Password that have been stated. Please note that the Username cannot be changed, while the Password can.
How to register on the site?
Register here and follow the instructions. Upon registering, the interested Buyer must state their true details, i.e. name, surname, T.I.N., address, contact telephone number, e-mail and in case they represent a company, its corporate name and the G.E.M.I. (General Commercial Registry) number.